Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Back Bay December 29, 2009

There was a 5.7 foot tide this morning at 8 am, so I got on the water around 8:30 from the pier at Baywood and paddled out toward Shark Inlet. The sky was blue and windless, temp in the high 50s. On the way to Shark Inlet, I spotted two boats adrift, and paddled over to check them out. One was a rowing skiff that sat high in the water, the other an aging Sabot style sailing skiff that had taken on a bit of water and was riding low. It was not too far from the Cuesta Inlet, and may have come from there on the high tide, so I towed it in and pushed it ashore. It had no name or markings. After paddling to the back corner of the bay, I worked my way along the sand spit, intending to eventually take a better look at the other boat, but it had drifted far off on the rapidly receding tide. The wind came up in the late morning and I headed back to Baywood, but did not spot the other drifting boat. Plenty of birds out in the water, many in flocks.

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