Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Morro Bay 1st Paddle of the Year

January 3, 2009!

How many paddlers can head out on the 3rd of January?

With temps in the 50s, 2 feet of water throughout the afternoon, and a steady wind from the north at about 5-10 mph, I set out from Pasadena Point in Los Osos with no particular destination in mind. Paddling into the wind, I just kept going until I reached Morro Rock. On the return trip, I followed the sand spit all the way, knowing that a 2 foot tide would afford just enough water along the shallower points. I stopped on the spit to investigate an aluminum skiff that was apparently washed up at the high tide line due west of the museum. I used my iPhone to take some pics of the registration number and of the contents of the boat. The Sears-made skiff still had one oar in the oarlock, and was chock full of stuff. I turned the pics into the folks at the harbor patrol.

As usual, there were many varieties and numbers of birds, as well as several otters and seals. As you might infer from the picture of a full rack of rental boats at the State Park Marina, not too many paddlers were out, but they should have been! Another great day.

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