Friday, June 20, 2008

Morro Bay paddle June 20, 2008

This was a ridiculously hot central coast day. Mid 90s and up depending upon where you live! No wind either. Today I actually CLOSED the blinds and tested the ceiling fans, but still thought it a good day to paddle. I set out from the marina at Tidelands Park in Morro Bay; on the water at 2:45. Ten minutes in, my cell rang and it was Mike Milanesi, just arriving in town. I paddled back to the marina and awaited his arrival. We paddled out to Morro Rock, and beached there to climb up on the jetty to look at the ocean breakers. While there, gusting winds (30-40 mph?) came up, and we watched from the jetty as the wind threw our paddles out (or off) of the boats, and sent Mike's pfd into the water. We scrambled down, hit the water and retrieved it. The wind was too hard-blowing for hats (as Mike found out). Fortunately, the direction of the wind allowed us to sail back into the harbor, and it soon died down. We spent some time talking and cooling ourselves by dangling our feet in the shallows across from "The Rock". We saw 3 otters floating in the area. Hikers on the beach startled the resting birds there, and we ducked our heads and covered up as hundreds of pelicans flew directly overhead. You don't want to be crapped on by one pelican, let alone hundreds. Trust me, I've been there.
We paddled slowly back toward the marina and stopped on the sand spit directly opposite the park to rest, talk, enjoy the day, cool our feet, and delay our impending return.

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