Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Sharks AND Friday the 13th

Pal Jim and I paddled the estuary in Morro Bay and up Turri Creek. We saw a lot of leopard sharks.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Back bay mini tour August 5,2010

This was a windy paddle with plenty of tight wind waves. I turned the outing into a video that resides on and is embedded below.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Port San Luis 8-4-10

I spent the better part of a sunny but very windy afternoon paddling in and around the bay at Port San Luis and Avila Beach. From the beach access at the ramp in Port San Luis, I went out through the surf and cut a diagonal to the point near the light house, cruising around the tidal features. I came back on the south side of the pier and followed the coastline down to Avila Beach and then back to the ramp. Video footage includes some shots from the cliffs above Avila.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Morro Bay 8/3/10

Due to the marine layer, summers at the central coast are often not sunny, and today was no exception. Gray is great for kayaking though, and I paddled from Baywood to Morro rock and back, making a counter-clockwise loop. Some highlights included; a few seals and sea lions, otters, lots of diving birds, a closeup of the Coast Guard cutter going by, and the towing of a kayak that had floated off from some rental customers who did not understand just how much difference there is between low and high tides. A very nice 3.5 hour paddle all around. I shot a bunch of video of diving pelicans, flying cormorants, etc., but it just looks bad without a proper zoom.